Monday, March 10, 2008

discussion about presidential elections

In last week's class, Mr. Jolly asked us who we thought would win the presidential election. Some people said Obama, some said Clinton. I said Mcain, not because I particularly believe in his politcs, but because I don't think conservative America is ready for an African-American or a female president. I think that even though we have come a long way in acceptance and open-mindedness, there is still an element of racism and sexism in our country, hiding under the surface.
Whenever a racial situation occurs, like the Jena six story in Louisiana last year. It exposed that deep seated racism many whites still have. Many copy cats started hanging nooses in conspicuous places, just to antagonize African-Americans. I think there are still too many old timers and conservatives around that are not ready for an African-American president in this country. I think those same old timers would be just as resistant to having a woman commander in chief. It is just as difficult for them, maybe more difficilt to take orders from a woman, than it is to take orders from an African-American.
I would love to be wrong, maybe there are enough open-minded people in this country to make a change in this election. If not it won't be too far off in the future.