Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bike commuting

The topic I chose for assignment three and four was bike commuting, because it is something that I do almost every day. In the beginning, I started commuting because I had no car. Now I commute because I want to, not out of necessity. I love everything bike related, particularly mountain biking. I would love to be able to ride trails every day, but that is not a very practical proposition, when I have family, work, school and other responsibilities to attend to.
That's where commuting on a bike comes in. It gives me the cross training I need for mountain biking. I ride to Gateway monday through thursday, hit the trail on friday. It is also beneficial at the gym. Since I have already done my cardio, I go straight to the weights. I don't have to waste my time on treadmills and stationary bikes.
The economic benefit is that I only have to use my car for family related stuff, like taking the kids to school and going to the store. All the expense of driving to work and school is eliminated.
All in all, I think that is a pretty good deal.

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